
Skype, just sign out

Note, the following experience is based on Android 4.2 and Skype

I don't remember why, but somebody asked me if they could use Skype on my phone. It wasn't exactly a huge request but before I handed over my phone I wanted to make sure I signed out first. So I hit the button at the bottom of my phone and this screen came up:

Skype signout UI

Perfect, let me just hit that sign out button and hand my phone over...

Skype signout UI

Oh...Well I guess skype crashed or something, let me load it back up and THEN I can give them my phone...

Skype signout UI

Seriously? Even though I clicked sign out I was still signed in. After trying a few more times to sign out I was still in the same loop. Despite my specifically asking to sign out, all that would happen is that skype would quit and the next time I booted the app it would sign me back in...

After a few minutes of fiddling around with it I finally found out that this was occurring because of the following settings:

Skype signout UI

It seems that by default, skype is set to automatically sign you back in on boot. That's great functionality and I'm really glad it's implemented since I would hate to have to sign in every time I loaded up the app. However, I was still annoyed by this UI/UX oversight. As a user, when I see a "sign out" option I expect the program to sign out and allow me to sign in using a different account. I shouldn't have to dig through the settings to get this kind of functionality.